Web Design
   by Tshudy
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Chanda Tshudy
755 Palmyra-Bellegrove Road
Annville, PA 17003
To free lance web page design and code from home whether it is full time, part time, or per diem, so that I am able stay at home with our children.
Background Summary
When I met my husband, he was struggling to get through JAVA (the non-compiled language). He showed me his code and told me what he was trying to do. Although only having Basic and not having any computer training since high school in the late 80's, I was able to tutor him enough that night to complete the assignment. That was when I discovered that programming comes natural to me. Since then my husband has been encouraging me to go back to school, and encouraging me to write web pages and design websites.
Technical Skills
HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, XHML, HTML DOM, Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady
2007    Harrisburg Area Community College        Harrisburg, PA
Intro PHP/MySQL Programming finished course with an A. Covered creating basic web pages using PHP programming language and the MySQL database package. Used the Apache web server. Basic HTML tags, client/server application model, basic database administration using MySQL, basic programming using PHP, basic programming constructs using PHP, file processing with PHP, basic database processing with PHP and MySQL. Created web pages using PHP and MySQL.
2006 to 2009    Self-taught        Annville, PA
Studied internet tutorials on HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL, and JavaScript from web sites such as tizag, w3schools, PHP manual, and O’reilly. Experimented with various page coding languages. Also, experimented with Adobe PhotoShop and Image Ready and Macromedia Dreamweaver.
1986 to 1988    Spring Grove High School        Spring Grove, PA
Studied Computer Math, primarily the computer language Basic. Overview of several other computer languages.
Professional Experience
2009 briantshudy.com        Annville, PA
Web page designer and coder. Designed the layout for the site using Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady. Coded the pages with HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. Use this site to demonstrate some of my abilities.
2007 AgOnLine.net        Annville, PA
Web page designer and coder. Designed the layout for site. Coded pages using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.
Other Work Experience
2003 to 2003 Northwest Savings Bank        Hershey, PA        Bank Teller
1990 to 2003 United States Postal Service        Hanover, PA        Rural Mail Carrier
Hiking, biking, reading, gardening, sewing, researching medical research, and computer programming.
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