Web Design
   by Tshudy
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Dot to dot 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20

Connect the dots in numerical order.

You will have to forgive the tacky artwork, because by nature I am a programmer, not an artist. The above image is what is called an image map. An image map can be used as an eloquent way to embed links linking the user to various pages of a web site or to initiate a javascript. This image map uses javascript to switch out the image and to change the text under the image. The page is not reloaded. The image is simply switched. This makes the page appear interactive. If a user does not have javascript enabled this program will not run as is. I included one here solely for the purpose of demonstration.

Since by nature I am a programmer, you need not to be locked into a predetermined list of templates or themes. You can have your website the way you want. There may be instances where I may make recommendations, but I will tell you why I make the recommendation.

Web Design by Tshudy's goal is to make family friendly web sites that are appealing to the eye, easy to navigate, user friendly, and will work with most every browser and operating system.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide the continuity between the various pages of this website. The font, font size, background color, layout positioning, and the appearance of the links are all defined with an external style sheet. This makes it quick and easy to change the look of a site and gives a site a uniformed cohesive appearance.

On this page I had added a feature to allow the user to control the size of the text using simple JavaScript to increase or decrease the text size. Some programmers feel that this is an unnecessary feature being that the user already has this feature built into their personal computer settings. I find that some persons are not as computer savvy, therefore find it easier to click an icon on the page to change the font size. If you find that your site is viewed by those that visually challenged maybe this feature would be appropriate for your site. Click the plus sign (+) or the minus sign (-) for a demonstration. This feature is would normally be connected to the capital letter "A" printed in a smaller font and a larger font.

I included a side bar or vertical menu on left side of this page for an example. This menu is actually a table of contents for this page that links the user directly to the topics of interest. Making the navigation of this page very quick and easy. Customarily, this menu location is reserved for the site's menu. Direct links on a page is typically used to navigate a fairly lengthy page.

You may have noticed, I had chosen to use a horizontal menu across the top and bottom. This just happens to be my preference. There are many different ways to do a menu. Many people like the traditional menu on the left side of the screen. Some like the looks of a menu on the right. Placement and technique can be easily adjusted in most cases to fit your needs. Menus can be done as text, images, or as an image map. They can be very simple or very creative. When it comes to menus, there are no limits except that of one's imagination.

The Brian's interestfarm tractor and hay wagon animation pictured here to the right was used on Brian's interest page was created with Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. This is just a simple picture with the illusion of motion added to it. On Brian's Interest page the left to right movement of the image across the screen is a simple script written with JavaScript.

Pictures and links have appropriate titles and/or alternate text fields included. These will aide users with disabilities or users with text based only browsers. By using these fields properly it can, also, help your site's ranking.

I had to bribe my husband into allowing his domain to be used as a portfolio for the two of us. Brian had always wanted to post his resume, but never had the time. I needed a site to advertise my work. This way we both get what we wanted. By the way Brian is happy working where he is at, so do not waste your time or his time trying to offer him impertinent work. Although, he keeps his eyes open for work that has a better commute and parking situation.

Hopefully, I have given you some insight as to whom we are and what we are trying to accomplish. If you have any more questions as to what I can do for you drop us an e-mail at webdesign@briantshudy.com, we would be glad to talk to you.

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